Singurii oameni de care avem nevoie in viata noastra, sunt aceia care au nevoie de noi in vietile lor, dar nu vreo nevoie materiala; dar de obicei este invers; ii vrem, credem ca avem nevoie de anumiti oameni, in functie de nevoile noastre materiale, si ii primim in vietile noastre numai pe aceia care nu au nevoie de noi. Cel care l-a castigat pe celalalt in dragoste, castiga viata, iar cel care il pierde pe cel pe care il iubeste, se castiga pe el insusi, si odata cu el insusi, intregul, adevaratul univers, cu miile sale de smaralde....o inima ranita este cu mult mai puternica decat o inima obisnuita.
Johnny loves Jenny, but Jenny loves Joe, Joey wants Penny but Penny loves Bo, Bo isn't ready 'cos he's havin' fun - Playin' with many is better than mone...Playin' in the pantry
Like the townfolk and the gentry.
AII the little girls are screemin'
And the mothers a'dreamin'.
Running down the race course
Playin' tennis with a discus
AII the people playin' foolish
And the boys are kinda coolish.
Give me free life - the natural one
You gonna hold tight and never let go
Let go
let go
let go
let go.
Johnny loves Jenny but Jenny loves Joe. . .
Singin' for some money
When you're eatin' bread and honey
And you're playin' on a gold course
Ridin' on a splendid white horse.
Dancin' on the water
Playin' with the boss's daughter
While the scales are overflowin'
And the lawn is overgrowin'.
Give me free life - the natural one
You gonna hold tight and never let go
Let go
let go
let go
let go.
Give me free life - the natural one. . .
Johnny loves Jenny but Jenny loves Joe. . .
Johnny loves Jenny but Jenny loves Joe. . .
Give me free life - the natural one...
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