Who loves, raves.Lord Byron
The only death is the end of the illusion, the end of the fear, the end of the knowledge that we have about ourselves and the world around us.
1. Dragostea AGAPE inseamna actiunea, nu doar o atitudine de bunavointa. Dragostea AGAPE inseamna a te impaca nu a sta la o distanta confortabila de nevoile altora.
2. Dragostea AGAPE inseamna a iubi neconditionat pe cel care nu merita a fi iubit si nu raspunde la fel
3. Dragostea AGAPE inseamna a te darui intr-un fel care vrea si lucreaza pentru binele suprem al celuilalt pentru ca nu are la baza un sentiment orb ci se bazeaza pe cunoasterea celuilalt. Astfel ea se straduieste sa cunoasca de ce are nevoie celalalt ( ceea ce implica responsabilitate din parte ei) si astfel stie ce-i face bine celuilalt.
4. Dragostea AGAPE inseamna a fi predat celuilalt permanent, fara rezerve nu doar atunci cind te simti bine sau doar atunci cind celalalt raspunde la dragostea ta.
5. Dragostea AGAPE inseamna a te purta in mod consistent aratind o grija permanenta pentru binele suprem al celuilalt.
6. Dragostea AGAPE este calea de capetenie si cea mai buna.
7. Si cel mai important Dragostea Agape stie sa astepte......
"Three things that are basic for life transformation, that are ultimate in a way.
The first: Be nonambitious.
UNLESS AMBITION IS KILLED, you will remain in misery. Ambition is the source of all miseries.
What is ambition? ’A’ wants to be ’B’, the poor wants to be rich, the ugly wants to be beautiful.
Everyone longs to be someone else, something other than what he is. No one is content withhimself. That’s what ambition is.
Whatsoever you are, you are not content with it. This is ambition. Then you are bound to be inmisery, because you cannot be anything else. You can only be yourself; nothing else is possible. All else is just futile, harmful, dangerous. You can waste your whole life, your whole existence.
Whatsoever you are, you are. Accept it; don’t desire it to be otherwise. This is what nonambition means. Nonambitiousness is basic to all spiritual transformation, because once you accept yourself, many things start happening. But the first thing.... If you accept yourself totally, the first thing that happens to you is a nontense life. There is no tension. You don’t want to be anything else; there is nowhere else to go. Then you can be here and now. There is no comparison. You yourself are unique. You no longer think in terms of others.
Then there is no future. Ambition needs future, it needs space to grow. It cannot grow here and now; there is no space. This moment is so small, so atomic. Ambition needs the future; and the greater the ambition, the greater the future that is needed.
Remember, you cannot be ambitious in the present moment. It is impossible. There is no space.
The present moment is so atomic, so small, that you cannot move in it. You can be in it, but you
cannot desire in it. It is long enough to be, but it is not long enough for desiring. To desire you need
future, time. Really, time exists because of desire. For the trees here, there is no time. For the birds
singing here, there is no time. For the stars and for the sun and for the earth, there is no time. Time exists because of human desire. If humanity was not on this earth, there would be no time; there would be no past and no future.
Your desire creates the future. Your memory creates the past. They are both parts of your mind.
Don’t desire, and the future disappears. And when there is no future, how can you be tense? How?
There is no possibility of being tense if there is no future And if there is no past – if you know that it is simply memory, the dust collected on the way – how can there be any anxiety? With the past, anxiety enters. And with the future – plans, imaginations, projections – tension exists. When the past drops and the future is not open, you are here, now. No anxiety, no tension, no anguish.
Nonambition means to accept yourself as you are. But that doesn’t mean that there is no possibility of growth. On the contrary, when you accept yourself as you are the transformation sets in. You start growing, but the dimension differs. Then the dimension is not in the future but in the eternal.
Know this distinction well. You can move in two ways. If you move in the future, you are moving in the mind: a fiction, a dream world. If you don’t move in the future, then a different dimension becomes open for you from this very moment You are moving in the eternal. The eternal is hidden in the moment. If you can be here right now, in the moment, you have entered the eternal. If you go on thinking of the future and the past, you are living in the temporal. The temporal is the world.
There is no need of any technique to meditate. It is enough. It will do all that is needed. But how can you be in the now if you are ambitious?
The ambitious mind cannot be in the now. It can be anywhere else but it cannot be in the now.
The ambitious mind always moves away from the present. It is thinking of that which is .o come; it is thinking of tomorrow. It is thinking of an afterlife; it is not interested in the life that is here. It is interested in something that should be. It is not interested in the ’is’; it is always interested in the ’ought’, in the ’should’. That interest is nonreligious. A religious mind, a religious consciousness, is interested in existence as it is. The first thing is KILL OUT ambition totally so that you can be here and now, so that you can enter the eternal."
"Start listening to sounds, let music be your meditation. Listen to the sounds, all kinds of sounds. They are all divine – even the market noise, even the sounds that are created in the traffic. This airplane, that train, all sounds have to be listened to so attentively and silently and lovingly... as if you are listening to music. And you will be surprised: you can transform all sounds into music; they are music. All that is needed is our attitude: if we are resistant, the sound becomes noise; if we are receptive, loving, the sound becomes music. The same thing can be noise to somebody and to somebody else, music. If you have not heard your classical music it will be just noise. If you love it and you have sympathy for it, it is just out of this world, it is of the beyond. People in the East who are not acquainted with the Western music think this is just crazy noise. Whenever you don't fall in tune with something it becomes noise; when you fall in tune with it, when you start vibrating with it, when there is a harmony between you and it, it becomes music. And great is the joy when you can convert all sounds into music. Then your whole life starts becoming a rhythm. And listening to sounds will be very helpful. Not to any sound in particular, because that becomes a concentration. Mm? this noise of the train... the traffic, some dog starts barking... an airplane passes by; all have to be accepted. Not that you have to concentrate on any sound – listen to all sounds from everywhere. You have just to be alert, listening, with no choice. That will help you immensely and that will become your meditation. Listening to the ocean, or listening to the thundering of the clouds, or listening to the rain falling heavily, just put your ego aside, because there is no need... The ocean is not going to attack you, the rain is not going to attack you, the trees are not going to attack you – there is no need of any defense. To be vulnerable to life as such, to existence as such, you will be getting these moments continuously. Soon it will become your very life. "
"The love that lasts longest is the love that is never returned."