Traieste sau mori.
fiindca oricum esti mort, daca nu vrei sa traiesti.
fiindca viata creste doar prin alegerea provocarilor.
Viata creste doar prin a merge in furtuni.
Viata creste doar prin a risca, a juca sansele.
Dar oamenii se agata de trecut.
Oamenii se agata de mizeria trecutului.
Oamenii se agata de ceea ce ei cunosc, de tot ce este vechi. Sunt prinsi ca intr-o capcana.
Provocarile vietii le provoaca nesiguranta si fug din fata provocarilor.
Dar, aminteste-ti, numai cei care aleg provocarea, traiesc cu adevarat si vor creste spiritual.
Pentru ca viata inseamna a fi gata sa mergi in necalculat, in neprogramat.
Viata inseamna sa fii gata mereu sa asculti provocarea care vine din sursa necunoscuta.
Este periculos, dar a trai este periculos.
Cel mai sigur si protector loc este mormantul - acolo nu se intampla nimic niciodata.
Intotdeauna alege noul, drumul cel mai putin batatorit.
Intotdeauna alege necunoscutul, cel mai putin calatorit.
"Si asta a facut toata diferenta" spunea inspirat cineva.
Viata creste doar prin alegerea provocarilor.
Viata este cea care iti confera ascutime.
Lupta vietii este cea care provoaca toate izbucnirile talentelor tale sa iasa la suprafata.
Trebuie sa fii inteligent pentru a supravietui...
Dar numai astfel poti evolua sufleteste.
Daca nu iti plac situatiile noi, mori si nu se intampla nimic nou cu tine.
ramai la fel de trist si de plictisit pana viata fuge din tine de tot.
Mortii au o singura soarta: groapa. Si nimic altceva.
Like wild flowers
Left alone
By the side of the road
Imperfect on the edge
Like wild flowers
Left alone
By the side of the road
Imperfect on the edge
They stand in the wind and the rain
Not a fear left in the world
They've learned that this life
Is unpredictable
Like wild flowers
Left alone
By the side of the road
Imperfect on the edge
Like wild flowers
Left alone
By the side of the road
Imperfect on the edge
Far away
Where the moon falls into the sea
Like wild flowers
Left alone
By the side of the road
Imperfect on the edge
Without knowing anything for certain
This may be the last day
So everything has more meaning
And so much more color this way
Far away
Where the moon falls into the sea
Like wild flowers
Left alone
By the side of the road
Imperfect on the edge
Like wild flowers
Left alone
By the side of the road
Imperfect on the edge
Left alone
By the side of the road
Imperfect on the edge
Like wild flowers
Left alone
By the side of the road
Imperfect on the edge
They stand in the wind and the rain
Not a fear left in the world
They've learned that this life
Is unpredictable
Like wild flowers
Left alone
By the side of the road
Imperfect on the edge
Like wild flowers
Left alone
By the side of the road
Imperfect on the edge
Far away
Where the moon falls into the sea
Like wild flowers
Left alone
By the side of the road
Imperfect on the edge
Without knowing anything for certain
This may be the last day
So everything has more meaning
And so much more color this way
Far away
Where the moon falls into the sea
Like wild flowers
Left alone
By the side of the road
Imperfect on the edge
Like wild flowers
Left alone
By the side of the road
Imperfect on the edge
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